Take Credit, Blame Others, Deny Everything

Ninth Graphic Arts Production Yearbook, 1950: Bradbury Thompson detail

I like to accuse people of stealing. Whenever I'm looking for a book in our library and can't find it, I tell everyone in the studio, "Someone has stolen it. I know it." And then someone will go to the shelf and pull the book out that I thought was stolen. Oddly, in 16 years, we've only had one book stolen. It was a book on Fillmore posters and it was stolen by an errant intern who had a band and lasted two days. Today, in the midst of accusing the designers of stealing my Studio Boggeri book, I found the Ninth Graphic Arts Production Yearbook. It sounds dull, and I assumed from the cover that it was an old book that showed examples of halftones, which it was. Mixed in with the chapters on Photo-electric Engraving Techniques, and Dot Etching were remarkable chapter dividers and miscellaneous pages.

So the lesson is, yeah no duh, don't judge a book by its cover. And it turns out that Monica had the Studio Boggeri book on her desk, so I probably should stop attacking and accusing everyone of theft immediately.

Ninth Graphic Arts Production Yearbook, 1950 Bradbury Thompson

Ninth Graphic Arts Production Yearbook, 1950: Bradbury Thompson

Ninth Graphic Arts Production Yearbook, 1950: Benjamin Somoroff

Ninth Graphic Arts Production Yearbook, 1950: Paul Rand

Ninth Graphic Arts Production Yearbook, 1950: Saul Steinberg

Ninth Graphic Arts Production Yearbook, 1950: Ladislav Sutnar

Ninth Graphic Arts Production Yearbook, 1950: Alexander Ross

Ninth Graphic Arts Production Yearbook, 1950: very groovy paper


G.I. Jive


The Color Sea-foam