Creepy Cats

Something is wrong with these cats' eyes, or they're in terror.

This may come as a huge surprise to many of you, but I have a large collection of Better Homes and Gardens from 1950-1964. They’re a good resource when I need to decide what color to paint a wall, or how to make dinner using ground turkey, pineapple, peanut butter, and canned mushroom soup. The most upsetting part of reading these is finding an object that I want, and realizing that it won’t do me any good to send an order form to a company in Vermont in 1958. The set of cocktail glasses with an autumn theme in gold is no longer available for 59¢. And there are random images that have not been run through the 21st century digitized and niche marketing filters. The images beg for a story, and the ads rarely deliver. I’m left making the narratives myself, which is OK because it makes life easier if you make up your own story. But some defy any logic, or are just plain disturbing.

What is going on here?!

I don't like the subtext here

Better Homes and Gardens


Hot Diggety Dog


Life without hard edges